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For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace:
the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
ISAIAH 55:12

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Week 28

THIS WEEK HAS BEEN AMAZING!!!!!!!! the members in this branch are my family and i love them all so much! they are all so eager and willing to help it is amazing! and we have the most amazing ward mission leader ever! we talk to him every day and when we bike to our investigators house he is already there visiting them!!! it is incredible! i love the members of the branch they are all so sweet and generous! i have been here so long and i am so nervous i may leave this next week for transfers but i will go where the lord wants me but i will probably still cry. OH! and one of our recent converts is preparing to serve a mission!!!!!!!!!! I have never been so happy then when she told us! We are going to bring her over a preach my gospel and go through everything with her! I am so excited! she is a senior in college and she is also thinking about colleges but she doesnt know how to do any of it and so we are going to help her so much and do everything with her! I am so excited her family is my family in logan i love them so much! We also went carolling with our branch on a saturday night and some our the recent converts were there and members and we all went out in the freezing cold and carolled to all the less actives!!!!!! it was one of the best nights of my entire mission almost number one but competing with a few others! the unity of the branch was so amazing and everyone was so happy even though we were all freezing it didn't matter we even had a keyboard that we carried around to each house and hermana tolman played the piano while we all sang and rang bells it was so fun to see the members carrying the piano and stand and the cookies we gave to everyone it was amazing and to see how happy the people were was so great we invited them all to church and i feel so happy! I know that the church of Christ has been restored! HOW INCREDIBLE! I know that God has a plan for each and every one of us and he is with us every day of our lives! AND I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!! for this time of happiness and spirit we have to celebrate our savior's birth!!!!!!! 
Hermana Egan

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