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For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace:
the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
ISAIAH 55:12

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week 33

this is the posters we made for hermano morales the best ward mission leader ever!!!!!!! i love this branch with everything i am!!!! i never want to leave!!!!!! we know every single member and every thing about them and i love them each so much!!!!!!!!!! the members are incredible they trust us and love us and our eager to work with us! they will all help out in any way that they possibly can and it is so humbling because they are all in need themselves but they will give anything that they do have. the branch is on fire!!!! we saw numbers on sunday for this last week and the numbers are better than they ever have been and everyone i so excited!!!!!!! once you get something going it just keeps going and the spirit spreads to everyone!!!!! 
we had a lesson with flori and stephanie and as soon as we sat down they told us that they dont want to get married anymore and if they do they want to wait a couple years. :o we said okay lets start with a prayer and we will talk about it. by the end of the lesson flori had already left to go get the marriage papers!!!!! we left even before we could leave! this was such a great experience for us to teach us the power of the word of god and the spirit of the lord. There is no way that two girls 19 and 20 could convince all of these people to get married and be baptized and change all these things about their life. It is the power of the spirit and the power of the truth and only that. It is so amazing! It is really easy to doubt ourselves and to feel that we cannot do it sometimes but if we have the faith the holy spirit can soften any heart! it is so incredible!
right now i am reading Jesus The Christ. I am only about a fourth of the way done and it is already sooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it so much and every one who hasnt yet must read it!!!!!! in one of the chapters that i have read this week it was talking about when christ scattered the merchants out of the temple and how they all left but why did they leave and none of them asked by what authority jesus had to do it. it says because sin is weakness. this is the truth. righteousness will always have power over sin. sin is weakness and when we sin we know that we are wrong. when we are obedient to gods commandments we are strong and we are confident. nothing can take us down when we are with god and well with him. I love the commandments of God. I cannot imagine if we did not have them we would be so lost. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church of Jesus Christ on the earth today and the only one. The church has been restored exactly as it was when Christ organized it himself. I am so grateful to be a member of His church and to have this opportunity to represent my Savior and preach the gospel!!!!!!!!!!! 
Hermana Egan 

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